
The following resources are applicable:


Mount Point: /rest/registration/activate


Activates (generates a real user) a previously generated registration. The registration can be generated either by sending a sms to a registration address or by calling the create registration function. The API Key needs the right to do that.

Error Codes

1Method is not allowed by this api key
2A required parameter was not given
97The access to the api was denied
98You made too much requests in a short time
99The service is currently not available
600The api key is invalid
900The registration key is invalid
901The registration is currently not possible
902The registration msisdn is not verified

Request Body

element: registrationActivateRequest
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)

Response Body

element: registrationActivateResponse
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)


Mount Point: /rest/registration/activate/msisdn


Activates (generates a real user) a previously generated registration. The registration can only be generated by calling the create registration function. The API Key needs the right to do that.

Error Codes

1Method is not allowed by this api key
2A required parameter was not given
97The access to the api was denied
98You made too much requests in a short time
99The service is currently not available
400The msisdn verify pin is invalid
600The api key is invalid
901The registration is currently not possible
903The registration msisdn is invalid.

Request Body

element: registrationActivateMsisdnRequest
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)

Response Body

element: registrationActivateMsisdnResponse
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)


Mount Point: /rest/registration/check/msisdn


Checks if a registration exists for a msisdn. The registration can only be generated by calling the create registration function.

Error Codes

1Method is not allowed by this api key
2A required parameter was not given
97The access to the api was denied
98You made too much requests in a short time
99The service is currently not available
400The msisdn verify pin is invalid
600The api key is invalid
903The registration msisdn is invalid.

Request Body

element: registrationCheckMsisdnRequest
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)

Response Body

element: registrationCheckMsisdnResponse
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)


Mount Point: /rest/registration/create


Creates a registration. The creation will trigger an sms send to the phone with the information how to create an account

Error Codes

1Method is not allowed by this api key
2A required parameter was not given
97The access to the api was denied
98You made too much requests in a short time
99The service is currently not available
102The password has a wrong format (4-15 chars)
103The given msisdn is already registered
500The country is not allowed to login or register
501The msisdn is invalid for the country
600The api key is invalid
901The registration is currently not possible
903The registration was blocked, because a registration was requested shortly

Request Body

element: registrationCreateRequest
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)

Response Body

element: registrationCreateResponse
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)


Mount Point: /rest/registration/key/create


Creates a new registration key used to verify the mobile number via mobile originated sms. The returned key must be send to one of the registration msisdns (country config)

Error Codes

1Method is not allowed by this api key
2A required parameter was not given
97The access to the api was denied
98You made too much requests in a short time
99The service is currently not available
102The password has a wrong format (4-15 chars)
600The api key is invalid
901The registration is currently not possible

Request Body

element: registrationCreateKeyRequest
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)

Response Body

element: registrationCreateKeyResponse
media types: */*

(no documentation provided)