
Extends: authRequest
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd



name (type) min/max
requestId (long) 1/1 The remote sms send request id.
deviceId (int) 1/1 The registered device id for the device.
deviceMessageId (int) 1/1 The device message id of the message
address (string) 1/1 The address of the message in international format (+4367612345678), for short codes (6567) or plain text for alphanumeric sender addresses.
message (string) 1/1 The message body
origin (int) 1/1 The origin of the message
0 .. sim
1 .. mysms
2 .. a2a
or a sms connector id
status (int) 0/1 The status of the message
0 .. none
1 .. complete
2 .. pending
3 .. failed
dateSent (dateTime) 0/1 The date when the message was sent


property type description
requestId requestId (long) The remote sms send request id.
deviceId deviceId (int) The registered device id for the device.
deviceMessageId deviceMessageId (int) The device message id of the message
address address (string) The address of the message in international format (+4367612345678), for short codes (6567) or plain text for alphanumeric sender addresses.
message message (string) The message body
origin origin (int) The origin of the message
0 .. sim
1 .. mysms
2 .. a2a
or a sms connector id
status status (int) The status of the message
0 .. none
1 .. complete
2 .. pending
3 .. failed
dateSent dateSent (dateTime) The date when the message was sent