
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd

Call Synchronization Object Used to synchronize a call from server to device and vice versa.



name (type) min/max
operation (int) 1/1 The sync operation for this call 0 .. update 1 .. insert 2 .. delete
callId (int) 1/1 The call id of the call The call id will be zero for new calls from the device otherwise the call id must be greater than zero.
deviceCallId (int) 1/1 The device call id of the call The device call id will be zero for new calls from the server otherwise the device call id must be greater than zero.
address (string) 0/1 The address of the call in international format (+4367612345678), for short codes (6567) or plain text for alphanumeric sender addresses. (20 chars allowed, more will be truncated)
incoming (boolean) 0/1 The call direction (incoming or outgoing) state
read (boolean) 0/1 The call read state
duration (int) 0/1 The duration of the call in seconds
status (int) 0/1 The status of the call 0 .. ringing 1 .. active 2 .. complete 3 .. missed
dateCall (dateTime) 0/1 The date when the call was initiated


property type description
operation operation (int) The sync operation for this call 0 .. update 1 .. insert 2 .. delete
callId callId (int) The call id of the call The call id will be zero for new calls from the device otherwise the call id must be greater than zero.
deviceCallId deviceCallId (int) The device call id of the call The device call id will be zero for new calls from the server otherwise the device call id must be greater than zero.
address address (string) The address of the call in international format (+4367612345678), for short codes (6567) or plain text for alphanumeric sender addresses. (20 chars allowed, more will be truncated)
incoming incoming (boolean) The call direction (incoming or outgoing) state
read read (boolean) The call read state
duration duration (int) The duration of the call in seconds
status status (int) The status of the call 0 .. ringing 1 .. active 2 .. complete 3 .. missed
dateCall dateCall (dateTime) The date when the call was initiated