
Extends: authRequest
Namespace: (default namespace)
XML Schema: ns0.xsd



name (type) min/max
os (int) 1/1 The device operation system. 0 .. android (c2dm) 1 .. ios 5 .. windows phone 6 .. android (gcm) 7 .. windows (metro) 13 .. chrome (gcm)
canSendSms (boolean) 1/1 Can the device send sms over sim.
canReceiveCall (boolean) 1/1 Can the device receive calls.
canInitiateCall (boolean) 1/1 Can the device initiate calls.
pushRegistrationId (string) 0/1 The push registration id from the device operating system (i.e. android -> c2dm).
force (boolean) 1/1 If set and device limit is reached most inactive device will be removed before creation.
messageHistoryLimit (int) 1/1 Sets the amount of messages that are synchronized initially.
pushConfig (string) 0/1 Sets the push config which depends on the os and is usually a in json format. iOS/iOS2: { sound : { name : { user : "", // name of sound file group : "", // name of sound file }, onlyOnFirstMessage : true/false } } others: push config is ignored
maxMmsSize (int) 0/1 Sets the max mms size in bytes that is allowed to send This is an optional parameter


property type description
os os (int) The device operation system. 0 .. android (c2dm) 1 .. ios 5 .. windows phone 6 .. android (gcm) 7 .. windows (metro) 13 .. chrome (gcm)
canSendSms canSendSms (boolean) Can the device send sms over sim.
canReceiveCall canReceiveCall (boolean) Can the device receive calls.
canInitiateCall canInitiateCall (boolean) Can the device initiate calls.
pushRegistrationId pushRegistrationId (string) The push registration id from the device operating system (i.e. android -> c2dm).
force force (boolean) If set and device limit is reached most inactive device will be removed before creation.
messageHistoryLimit messageHistoryLimit (int) Sets the amount of messages that are synchronized initially.
pushConfig pushConfig (string) Sets the push config which depends on the os and is usually a in json format. iOS/iOS2: { sound : { name : { user : "", // name of sound file group : "", // name of sound file }, onlyOnFirstMessage : true/false } } others: push config is ignored
maxMmsSize maxMmsSize (int) Sets the max mms size in bytes that is allowed to send This is an optional parameter